TITAN’s Online Technical Resource Section

Get access to a wealth of corrosion data, material properties, procedures, manuals and brochures concerning Reactive and Corrosion Resistant Metals (CRA) on TITAN Metal Fabricators’ website. Our parent company and RAM Industries believes this information will be beneficial to you, as it is the type of data our engineers use daily in solving corrosion issues.

This resource is constantly growing as TITAN continually adds to it. It is their intention to build the best on-line library pertaining to the reactive metals. We invite you to check register online to gain access to this valuable data and return to it often.

If you are a customer, vendor or author of a paper who has questions, we invite you to contact us. We welcome your input and feedback. If you have something that you feel would be a valuable addition please give us a call or email it to us.

Go to TITAN Metal Fabricators Technical Resources